If I could summarise all my work experience into a few sentences of borrowed wisdom, that would be these three quotes from my favourite thinkers and software makers.
Life's too short for bad software—Peldi Guilizzoni, Balsamiq
Get out of building—Ash Maurya, Leanstack
Every project needs its own methodology—Alistair Cockburn
My name is Sasha Maximova, and I call myself a Lean UXer, a researcher, a communicator, and a product starter.
For years my job was to research, design and improve web-based tools. For example, a continuous integration server, an issue tracker, an information organiser, an outliner, financial applications.
I love working with teams - developers, designers, financial risk management or marketing automation people. But my main focus is always the product and its customers. Digging out the real problems the product has, interviewing customers, prototyping, presenting and testing the changes - all to ensure the product success.
Very often a question of 'what to fix' in a product, which features to add, or whether there is a market need for the product at all, can determine the whole process of development. And very often these questions are solved based on political games inside the company - or on the sheer enthusiasm of the founders. My job is to take out the guesses and lay a solid ground for understanding what problems the users have and what kind of digital solution they need.
If it sounds like what you need, I'd be glad to contribute my bags of experience to your project. Let's talk!